

2023-01-11 18:00:43 作者:admin 来源:


李步兴 男,浙江省苍南县人,书法艺术家,从小酷爱书法学习,毕业于上海书画艺术研修班,现为中国书画家协会会员,中宣盛世艺术交流中心会员,国际一级书法师,国家一级书法师。

2016年师从中国书画院院长著名书法家纪怀昌先生,并收为入室弟子,2017年参加长沙国韵书画院举办全国纪念井冈山红色革命书画大赛中作品获金奖,2019年为纪念庆祝建国70周年活动。 受中国集邮中心之邀,创作20多幅作品出版为集邮画册发行,并授予当代红色艺术家的称号,2020年被中国书画进万家授予新时代先锋人物荣誉。2020年吴门八雅书画院第十九届全国书画家大赛获得铜奖“荣誉证书”。书法作品得到社会各界企业人士的收藏。

Li Buxing, male, from Cangnan County, Zhejiang Province, a calligraphy artist, very fond of calligraphy learning since childhood, graduated from Shanghai Painting and calligraphy art training class, is now a member of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a member of Zhongsheng Shengshi Art Exchange Center, international first-class calligrapher, national first-class calligrapher.

In 2016, he studied under the guidance of Mr.Ji Huaichang, the president of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, and became a disciple. In 2017, he participated in the National Memorial of the Jinggangshan Red Revolution Calligraphy and Painting Competition and won the gold medal. In 2019, he served to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Invited by the China Philatelic Center, he has created more than 20 works to be published as a philatelic album, and awarded the title of contemporary red artist. In 2020, he was awarded the honor of a pioneer of the new era by the Chinese painting and calligraphy families. In 2020, the 19th National Calligraphy and Painting Competition of Wumen Bayi Calligraphy and Painting Academy won the bronze award "Certificate of Honor". Calligraphy works have been collected by enterprise people from all walks of life.


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