

2022-08-22 16:19:04 作者:admin 来源:



华国佩, 字大舜,山东菏泽牡丹乡,自幼爱好书画,系著名画家冯训文教授之高徒,现为国家一级美术师,鲁西南书画院院长,国际联盟书画协会菏泽分会副主席,曹州书画院会员,雷锋书画院理事,中国国际影响力书画家。2021年作品《中国书画十大杰出艺术家》优胜奖、并授予“中国当代最具影响力书画家”,庆祝新中国成立70周年作品“曹州之春”,在《江山多娇》注入史册正式被“百年历程,中国道路”庆祝建党百年,特授予“国礼艺术家”。“松梅鹤寿”“吉祥富贵”“赏秋图”等作品注入了中国当代艺术名家国学精粹大赏,国礼邮品珍藏,中国梦艺术先锋等荣誉证书。


华国佩先生作品雅俗共赏,用墨恰到好处,花鸟刻画生动传神、浓淡干湿、虚实斑驳,观其画作自然之风扑面而来 ,实乃生活与艺术的完美结合!

Hua Guopei character Dashun, Heze Peony Township, Shandong Province, since childhood fond of painting and calligraphy, department

The famous painter Professor Feng Xunwen, is now a national first-class artist, southwest of Lu

President of Calligraphy and Painting Academy, vice chairman of Heze Branch of International union   Painting and Calligraphy Association, Caozhou Calligraphy and Painting

Member of the institute, director of Lei Feng Calligraphy and Painting Academy.

In 2021, his work "Top Ten Outstanding Artists of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting" was awarded and awarded

To "the most influential contemporary Chinese calligrapher and painter", to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China

The work "Caozhou Spring of spring", in the "Jiangshan Duojiao" into history was officially " a hundred years

History, China Road "celebrates the centenary of the founding of the Party, specially awarded to the" national ceremony artist "."pine

Works such as Mei Shou "," Lucky Wealth "and" Autumn Map " are injected into Chinese contemporary art

Famous masters of Chinese culture essence great appreciation, national gifts and stamp products collection, Chinese dream art pioneer and other certificates of honor

Art creation variety, especially good at painter chicken, peony wisteria, flowers and birds

Theme, 2003 "five virtues" works provincial National Day painting and calligraphy exhibition was rated as excellent

Show award "Purple gas to the East" "Caozhou Spring" and other works in the provincial and urban exhibition and awards

, TV station feature report.

Chicken has the moral character of literature, martial, courage, benevolence and faith. Mr.Hua Guopei shows the male posture and five virtues of chicken with his unique style, and is known as the "King of Chicken" in the painting and calligraphy circle. It is based on the long-term experience of life close to nature, meticulous observation, the painting style is simple, three or five strokes that let the rooster jump on the paper, or neck singing, or chase and fight, or spread the wings to soar to the sky, or face the sun and peck hair.

Mr.Hua Guopei's works are elegant and popular, with proper ink. Flowers and birds are vivid and vivid, thick, dry and wet, virtual and real mottled. Seeing the natural wind of his paintings, it is a perfect combination of life and art.


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