

2022-08-23 14:19:17 作者:admin 来源:



中国国际影响力书画艺术家王学维:男,大学学历,中共党员,在山西太原市古交市人社局工作,喜欢书画雕刻,坚持自学,习临《玄秘塔》《九成宫》等,创作了多幅书法佳作,现为中国国际最具收藏价值艺术家,国际一级书法师,精忠报国爱国艺术家,中国国际影响力书画艺术家,本市书协会员,多次参加省市大型书画展,作品获得当代艺术评选网2020年追梦杯书画大赛一等奖。丝路云梦诗书画苑2020年签约书画家及爱心形象大使,全国战疫书画义捐证书,中国春晚全国战疫书画大赛二等奖,中宣盛世国际书画院特聘书法家,中国楹联学会中宣盛世文化艺术交流中心会员。并有北京估价润格艺术中心的估价证书 ,在2020"瀚墨名人.盛世国学杯"全国书画大赛中获得铜奖奖牌及纪念徽章,同时获得二等奖,2020"现代名家.盛世国学杯"全国书面大赛中获得三等奖。在庆祝建党100周年,中国文化进万家获得新时代先锋人物并入编中国文化进万家2021年精品日历(年鉴)。2021年"现代名家高规格书画艺术展"荣获铜奖,2021年现代名家"新春国碎杯"全国书画大赛三等奖,2021年全国追梦杯书画大赛优秀奖,2021年作品入编《盛世华章·当代艺术名家档案》出版,授予“中国当代杰出书画艺术家”荣誉称号。文化艺术人才库授予"2021年度优秀书画家"头衔,并永久入编文化艺术人才库,2022年艺术中国入选《艺脉相承》主题巡展优秀艺术家亮相北京地铁。2022年入编《中国艺术家大典》并授予"当代杰出艺术家"荣誉称号,2022年入编《传承经典 时代榜样》全国两会重点项目中,授予献礼全国两会优秀艺术名家荣誉称号。并在今日头条网,百度网,艺术家文化人才网等十多家新闻媒体宣传报道 。


Wang xuewei: male, university degree, communist party member, people club bureau work in Taiyuan city, Shanxi, like painting and calligraphy carving, adhere to self-study, XiLin "mystery tower", "ninety palace", etc., created many calligraphy works, is the most valuable Chinese international collection artists, international calligrapher, loyal patriotic patriotic artists, the city association members, many provinces large painting and calligraphy exhibition, contemporary art works dream cup calligraphy contest in 2020 first prize. Silk Road Cloud Dream Poetry Calligraphy and Painting Garden in 2020 signed a contract of calligrapher and love image ambassador, the national War epidemic painting and calligraphy donation certificate, the second prize of China Spring Festival Gala National War epidemic Painting and Calligraphy Competition, the distinguished calligrapher of Zhongsheng Shengshi International Painting and Calligraphy Academy, and a member of Zhongsheng Shengshi Culture and Art Exchange Center of Chinese Couplet Association. And has the valuation certificate of Beijing Appraisal Runge Art Center, in 2020 " Hanmo celebrity. Shengshi Sinology Cup "National Painting and Calligraphy Competition won the bronze medal and commemorative badge, and also won the second prize, 2020" modern masters. Won the third prize in the Shengshi Sinology Cup " national written competition. In the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, Chinese culture into the new era pioneer figures into the Chinese culture into the 2021 boutique calendar (yearbook).2021 " Modern Masters high standard book Painting Art Exhibition "won the bronze award, 2021 Modern Masters" Spring Festival National Cup "National Painting and Calligraphy Competition third prize, 2021 National Dream Cup Painting and Calligraphy Competition Excellence Award, 2021 works into the compilation of" Shengshi Hua Contemporary Art Masters Archives "published, awarded the honorary title of" Chinese Contemporary Outstanding Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists ". The cultural and art talent pool awarded the title of "2021 Excellent Calligraphers and Painters", and was permanently incorporated into the cultural and art talent pool. In 2022, Art China was selected as the outstanding artist of the theme tour exhibition of "Art vein bearing" and appeared in Beijing Metro. In 2022, he joined the "Chinese Artists Ceremony" and awarded the honorary title of "Contemporary Outstanding Artists". In 2022, he joined the key projects of the National Two Sessions of "Inheriting the Classic Era Example", and was awarded the honorary title of outstanding artists presented to the National Two Sessions. And in toutiao, Baidu, artist cultural talent network and other more than a dozen news media publicity reports

Wang Xuewei has a profound foundation of calligraphy, takes the realm of Taoist nature, and takes the height of learning with his hands. His artistic attainments not only absorb the essence of traditional theory and practice, inherit the tradition, and gradually form his own changeable artistic style. I am fond of calligraphy since childhood, learning many famous artists' calligraphy, with posts as a teacher, to book friends, often participate in calligraphy competitions to learn its essence, his calligraphy works gradually show great commercial value over time


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